Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Daniel Fast...In The Books
I made it 21 days without any
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Bacon
  • Caffeine
  • Meat
  • Milk
  • Desserts
  • Bacon
  • Eggs
Twice while eating out I ate something that had some cheese in it. Since I am not under the Law but under Grace (hallelujah!), it didn't bother me much. Otherwise, it was 21 days without milk products.

  1. If you are desparate for an answer from God, or for a spiritual breakthrough, I recommend a complete fast rather than a partial fast. Even though I stayed hungry for 21 days, I was never desparately hungry.

  2. Be sure to have a scripture passage that you are trying to memorize. When you think of how hungry you are, you need to let the hunger prompt you to recite scripture or pray.

  3. In the same way, know exactly why you are fasting. The hunger will point you away from yourself and hopefully it will point you toward seeking first the kingdom of God.

  4. It is too easy for a fast to become all about you. You are hungry, you are losing weight. The devil will tempt you to whine about your condition, and conversely to feel pride about what you are doing. The fast consumes your thoughts, which may end up dominating your conversation. I often prayed Psalm 73:25, "Whom do I have in heaven but You, and there is nothing in this world I desire beside You." I think this verse has now replaced 1 Chronicles 26:18 (KJV) as my life verse.

I'm not going to tell you what I had for my first meal after completing the daniel fast, but it included ground up beef carcass, strips of swine flesh, and processed cheese.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

NOW I'm In Mourning

Daniel 10:2-3:

2 In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three full weeks.
3 I didn't eat any rich food, no meat or wine entered my mouth, and I didn't put any oil [on my body] until the three weeks were over.
The sense I get from that passage is that Daniel didn't want any fancy food. He was in mourning over the plight of his people. I, on the other hand, have thoroughly enjoyed my "daniel fast." I'm losing weight, and everything I eat tastes delicious (since I eat so little). It has been going great...until now.

Has Satan Ever Used Car Problems To Steal Your Joy?
I'll shoot for the short version:
  • Day 13 Car blew head gasket 150 miles from home.
  • Rented car from Enterprise and got home.
  • Day 14 (a Sunday) Wife lost the key to rental car.
  • Day 15 Had rental car towed to dealership to get key made.
    Borrowed pick-up truck from a friend.
    Truck has sign on the back "Honk if you honkytonk."

  • Day 16 Deacon at church found key by going through a bag of garbage (thanks, Bob)!
    Called dealer to stop them making key. Too late. Cost = $385.
    Got a call from 150 miles away claiming I need a new motor.
    Joy gone.

After those calls, I drove 30 miles to my church field to conduct a funeral. On the way, as I was stewing over my troubles and trials, God met me in the car. I was remembering that the day before, I had had an episode of praise, during which I praised God, using the names of God in the bible. After all, Jesus taught us to pray, "Hallowed be thy name."
I prayed, "Lord, I don't feel like doing that today." He reminded me that I had been harping on the command of Christ to his disciples to "Lift up your eyes" to my congregation for months now. He whispered to my heart, "Now that you have circumstances that are demanding your attention, how do you think one is able to lift up one's eyes?" I reluctantly started, without feeling,
"I praise you, Jehovah-Rohi (the Lord my shepherd) for leading me. I praise you, Jehovah-Shammah (the Lord who is present) for being with me through the valley. I praise you, bright and morning star, for Your guidance. Praise you, Holy Comforter, for comforting my heart. Praise you Jehovah-Shalom for the peace I don't yet feel....

When I got to, "I praise you Jehovah-Rapha," I started laughing. My health is the best it has been in years, all because of "the Lord who heals." The burden lifted, the joy returned, and I arrived at the funeral ready to minister life to all who had gathered.

What I Received From The Funeral
The funeral was for a lady who had spent her 84 years serving others. I was able to relate her life to that of Jesus, who humbled Himself and became a servant. This amazing lady touched the lives of all the young people in the community. I was able to give a strong invitation to them to follow Christ, based on her own words.

After the funeral, I met a lady who had been on our prayer list at the church for a long time. Her first words to me were, "See, I have my hair back! It is sort of frizzy, but it is back."
She mentioned seeing someone who asked her, "Where have you been?"
She said, "I gave him the short version:
  • I lost my job.
  • Then my husband lost his job.
  • Then I developed cancer.
  • As I was receiving treatment, my husband had heart problems.
  • And through it all, we have been praising God!"

Well done, Lord. I got your message.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Daniel Fast--Days 11-13

Day 11 and 12

Nothing of note: one meal per day with occasional snacks. No rich foods, no meat, no alcohol, no oil poured on my body (!). Also, no caffeine, very little bread or animal products.

Day 13

On our way to Brasher Springs Campmeeting Spring Rally day. Sharon is snoozing beside me. Heading East by Northeast with a beautiful sunrise in view, I am interceding for some critical needs that I have been made aware of the last couple of days: a suicide attempt, a toddler killed by a stepfather, a niece and her husband facing heavy health burdens. In my last post I stated that the 21-day daniel fast in Daniel chapter 10 was all about spiritual warfare. In Daniel 9, Daniel fasted in sackcloth and ashes and prayed for his people. When the spiritual battle was over in Daniel 10, God sent a messenger to tell Daniel what would be the fate of his countrymen.

As I pray, and as my eyes are continually drawn to the rising sun, I bring to remembrance Jesus' admonition to the disciples in John 4 to "lift up your eyes."
For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens (Ephesians 6:12, HCSB).

Spiritual Warfare

In Ephesians 6, Paul exhorts us to put on God's armor for the battle to come:
  • truth for a belt
  • righteousness for armor
  • the gospel of peace for sandals
  • faith for a shield
  • salvation for a helmet
  • God's word for a sword

Have you ever wondered what you are to do when your battle gear is all in place? Read the next verses:
18 With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit, and stay alert in this, with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.
19 Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel.
20 For this I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I might be bold enough in Him to speak as I should. (Ephesians 6:18-20)

*Prayer IS the battle!*

Back Home

As the sun is going down, Sharon and I are standing on a hill overlooking Tuscaloosa, praying for our city. Our car is still in Argo, Alabama with a blown head gasket. While we waited for our son-in-law Kurt and grandson Luke to rescue us, we met a wonderful couple and enjoyed sweet fellowship with them for a couple of hours (Greetings, Rhonda and Rick!) We discussed with them the spiritual warfare that seemed to be getting more personal to us (that snake, Satan, does not want us praying). Rhonda kept assuring us that the breakdown happened for a purpose. I believe it. I rest in His unchanging grace.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Ate Tofu!

Daniel Fast Update
I have completed 10 days of a one-meal-per-day daniel fast. If my purpose were the same as Daniel and the three Hebrew children, the fast was successful. I have lost 15 pounds, am breathing better, have more stamina, am basically in better health than before I started. I have stuck to a vegan diet for my one meal, except for a couple of necessary departures.

Thank You
I don't know how many people are reading this (besides my two children and my wife!), but I know that blogging my progress has helped keep me on track. If I had cheated on my fast, I would have to admit it here, and I didn't want to have to do that. So thank you for being there for me, all of you out there in Blogland.

And So It Continues
I said in a previous post that a Daniel chapter one (D1) fast is different from a Daniel chapter 10 (D10) fast. I have completed the first phase of my fast, the one that was about my health. The next phase is not necessarily limited to a vegan diet, but just to no meat and no rich foods (no alcohol either, but I haven't had a slug of likker in 38 years anyway). The emphasis from here on out is going to be earnestly to seek the heart of God. I am expecting an angel to appear at the end of 21 days to tell me what I can expect. Just kidding. No, I'm not. God can do what He wants. I will seek Him and praise Him and accept from His hand whatever He wills.

Vegan Adventure
I bought an Amy's brand vegan breakfast burrito made with tofu. I have always been able to avoid tofu; someone told me long ago that "tofu" is short for "toe fungus." But it isn't. It wasn't bad. It wasn't very good, either.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daniel Fast, days 5-7

Eyes lifted.
Jesus said to the disciples, “lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! (NKJV)” He said that to them just after they saw him talking to the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:35. Newer translations say "Open your eyes." The greek word, "eparate," is a command to lift, not to open. I like "lift" better.

When we are focused on the things of this world, the action needed is to lift, not just to open. We need to refocus our attention. Jesus said we are in this world, but not part of it **. I fear that most American Christians are too much "of this world." It is not that our eyes are not open, it is that they are focused on the wrong things.

The Role of Fasting
Fasting helps us refocus. When you fast, you are reminded constantly that you are denying the flesh in order to hear from God. Every time my stomach or weak knees remind me of my hunger, I lift my eyes and say, "Whom do I have in heaven but You, and there is NOTHING on this earth that I desire besides You." (Psalm 73:25)

Days 5-7
More of the same. I am averaging one meal/day, usually in the evening. My schedule on Day 5 got shot to pieces, and I ended up eating only a banana and later an emergency pack of peanut butter crackers (Thanks, Sharon). On Day 6 I had an early meal and a late meal. The late meal consisted of a bowl of 15-bean soup, into which I put a goodly amount of Tony Chachere's Cajun Seasoning. I'm quite sure this is the brand Daniel must have used also.

Prayer Requests
In my earlier post I mentioned that if there are any prayer needs for which you would like for me to pray during my fast, to let me know. On old friend and former High School classmate of mine, Nancy, requested prayer for her health. She is on oxygen 24/7 because of lung problems. Please pray with me that God would heal her.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Daniel Fast Continued

Day two and three I ate the same thing as day one: black beans and rice, almonds, tortillas, fruit juice. Except that on day two I added an apple and on day three I had crackers rather than tortillas.

Today I found, with my schedule, I had to eat out. Sharon and I went to Mr. Bill's and for my one meal of the day I had a vegetable plate: turnip greens, green beans, purple hull peas, and creamed potatoes. It was the best tasting food I have ever put in my mouth!

Daniel 1 Fast

The corporate fasts held in many churches at the start of a new year are daniel fasts. They are basically a 21-day vegan diet, based on what Daniel ate in Daniel chapter one: vegetables and water. At the end of ten days, the appearance of Daniel and the three Hebrew children was better than the ones who ate the "king's dainties" (Amplified Bible). This is what Daniel had counted on.

The two menus, in Daniel one (D1) and Daniel ten (D10) are different in several ways:
  • D1 is for ten days, D10 is for twenty-one days
  • D1 is about what to eat, D10 is about what not to eat.
  • D1 is all about the appearance (the health?) of the fast-er, D10 is about mourning and prayer.
  • Both anticipate the supernatural intervention of God.
  • Neither is called a "fast!"

Does it sound like I am against a daniel fast? I am not. I had never heard of a daniel fast until recently, and am now on day 4 of my first one. I am eating simple foods, no meat and just water and some 100% juices. I am limiting myself to one meal/day. You may fast however you want to! That is between you and God.

Jesus' Command to Fast

Oh, wait a minute! Jesus did not command us to fast, nor is there such a command anywhere in the New Testament. What Jesus did do is give us instructions for when we fast. In the sermon on the mount in Matthew's gospel, Jesus gave us instructions for when we pray, give alms, and fast. I believe our Savior is assuming that we will perform those three disciplines; He expects us to perform them.

A Christian, who is being conformed to the image of Christ, will pray, for Christ prayed; will fast, for Christ fasted; will give, for that is at the very heart of God: "For God loved the world in this way: He GAVE His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."

I want to be like Jesus. You?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day one of my Daniel fast is in the books. Twenty more to go.
What I ate yesterday:

  • One cup of brown rice

  • One cup of black beans

  • Two 8 inch flour tortillas

  • An ounce of raw almonds

  • A 10 ounce bottle of pomegranate/cranberry juice

And I enjoyed every bit of it!

Daniel probably did not. So much. Enjoy his food, that is.

In his chapter 10 blog, Daniel mentioned that he was in mourning. He was praying. Daniel did not say that he had prayed a specific prayer, but we know that he did. God also knew, as did Michael and the Prince of Persia.

How do we and these other characters know that Daniel was praying? Because God sent the angel Michael with the answer to the prayer, and he was delayed 21 days because the demonic prince did not want the message delivered. I added the commentary as to the motive of the Prince of Persia, because it seems to me to fit the story.

To me, The Daniel 10 fast is about mourning and prayer, perhaps because of a burden that God has placed on your heart about a family member, ministry, political situation… you fill in the blank. It is also a serious partial fast, involving spiritual warfare behind the scenes.

I can envision a situation where a teenage son has immersed himself in self-destructive activities, and the parents' counsil has been cast aside. In a case like this, the father or mother might say, “I am in mourning. I am not going to waste much thought or energy with food or leisure, I am going to try to grab hold of God (pray) on behalf of my son! And I will continue until there is some kind of breakthrough, no matter how long it takes!” For Daniel, it took 21 days.

Daniel’s burden was for his people, who were in captivity. This might equate to a political situation in which you see that your elected leaders are taking the wrong course and are leading us down a path that is wrong. Have you ever had such a burden? Hmmm?

In my last post, I mentioned some of my prayer concerns, and would encourage you to share any of your burdens or prayer needs with me for the remaining 20 days. I have added another: There is one Alabama legislator, who happens to be a friend of mine, who is hell-bent to expand gambling in the state (I do not usually use the term "hell-bent." It seems appropriate here). I am standing against it in the power of the Spirit of the Holy God with mourning and prayer.

In other words,

The daniel 1 fast is.
More later.

Monday, April 5, 2010

It Looks Like Daniel

I am starting a daniel fast today.

According to Daniel 10:2, the prophet Daniel spent 21 days without eating any

  • rich food
  • meat
  • wine

Until recently I did not know that churches across the world were holding corporate daniel fasts. These fasts usually are held at the start of a new year (like Daniel did his fast). If you read my last post, I contend that Jesus was fasting during the meeting with the woman at the well, as told in John chapter 4. Jesus told his disciples that he had food you know not of.


That has led me to explore the different types of fasts in the Bible. If I am going to write about them, I need to experience them.

Please pray for me for the next 21 days! I do not know if I have the discipline to make it through, so I need your prayers.

I will be fasting and praying
  • for wisdom.
  • for God to show me his will.
  • for some in my church family who have some pressing needs.
  • for the ability to stay on task with my writing.
  • for my son and his family as they start a new church.
  • for your needs if you let me know of them!

If you send me a prayer request, please let me know if you want me to include it in my next post, or keep it private.

If you are participating in a daniel fast at this time, please leave a comment on this post or contact me by email. I would be greatly helped by your encouragement.

I will be posting almost daily about what God is showing me